Force Windows To Generate Thumbnails

Force Windows To Generate Thumbnails

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Yes, the thumbs are no longer cached but this is a good thing. Multiple users interacting with a share and overwriting the thumbs.db is a problem. It also makes it so that you may be unable to delete the folder without overwriting the permissions of the hidden files created therein.Overall what purpose does this share perform? Is it for photos only? Have you looked at other systems that can better handle the task you and your users are trying to perform?. I'm not looking to speed up the share or avoid locked file problems, we don't have those issues.The array performs in excess of 600+ MB/s both for read and write, and the maximum number of concurrent users we'll ever see is like 5 and they're all limited by their gigabit speed to the server. In reality it's probably 1-2 people browsing the share.

Windows 10 usually keeps a cache database that houses thumbnail images for each folder, document, video and photo on your computer system.


Manual for toro lawn mower gts 5. There's nothing else on that array where the share resides.There's never more than one user browsing the same folder with images. This is because each folder contains images of only a single industrial machine that we've sold, so it's documentation for our tech support guys when they deal with custom built machines.The only thing I'm trying to avoid is waiting those 5-15 seconds for all thumbnails in a folder to generate. If it could be generated on the server instead then the client could simply read the thumbs.db which would make it virtually instant.I've not looked at alternative solutions as we're not trying to do anything out of the ordinary.

It's simply typing the serial number for the machine in the search box, open the folder and look at the images. If it's that much of a hindrance, I would suggest implementing a CMS web service instead of relying on Windows Explorer. Obviously finding and implementing a solution that integrates with your users' workflows isn't a small task. A good CMS with all sorts of tagging and search options would probably save time overall vs managing folders, filenames, and thumbnails.Heck, I bet there's a simple CMS that you could just point to a folder and it would create and store thumbnails of images with a click-to-download or open-file-location interface. It's not a huge problem, more like a minor nuisance resulting in only a few minutes lost each day.

I looked into it only because a few users asked why (complained'ish) that they had to wait for thumbgen.I just think it seems odd there isn't any solution for this. It would make much more sense to have the server generate the thumbnails and the clients just load those in an instant.Some sort of simple custom CMS is a good idea, I should probably look in that direction instead. All requirements considered it would be pretty easy to make too.

Force Windows To Generate Thumbnails
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